Thursday 7 May 2009

A Virtual Learning Environment Update

The internet really seems to speed everything up, that or I have spent too long working for government bodies or in Academia. What started out as a musing over a drink seems to have snowballed into a real possibility now.

Initially, the idea was that we would have a wikispace where members of a Virtual Theory Group would gather and discuss various texts. Whilst this seemed like a good idea, further research has suggested to me that this is not the way to go, further research and a few conversations with @cscannella and @gselmer (for all my twitter followers)! It would now seem that the right way forward is a blog. A blog that every member of the group has access to and can make their own posts in their own name, as well as be able to comment on others.

It may seem that there has been a lot of time and effort gone into setting this up, but I really feel as does @gselmer that if we can get the set up right then it will be a really interesting forum to discuss the texts for all involved. I will investigate the various blogging options - thanks to all who have suggested possibilities - with the aim of actually getting this up and running sometime soon.

1 comment:

  1. What started out as a musing over a drink seems to have snowballed into a real possibility now.
