Thursday 5 February 2009

Writing Stress!

Well, this is my first foray into blogging, actually, into anything IT really! I hope that this is going to be a useful tool for me and more importantly, for the PhD. I do sometimes think of it as a separate entity that I struggle to get hold of at times, but hope that over time this will become easier, and one day I will look back on this whole experience and be glad that I did it. That the dream!
I am in the middle of writing a second piece for my supervisors at the moment, using various media sources (a TV series called About Britain from the 1970's at the moment) to help explain how regional identity has been influenced by the media. I feel a little like I am explaining the obvious at the moment - the importance of source material, the importance of context, of the author/producer/presenter and their influence on the work, what audience this went out to, and why, and finally, how we can best use these sources in our work today. I feel a little constrained and really want to get on with the broad theoretical outline of my work. At the moment that has been put on hold, and I am not very happy about that.

Anyway, we will give this blog a go. I think I will post interesting articles, conferences, book reviews, etc up here and pass comments on them for fun. I hope that at some point, others will join in with this too.

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